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CEO Message


3H Bio is directing its efforts to help patients to recover from their illness and maintain good physical health, a gift from God.

Good health is of the utmost importance for physical, mental, and social well-being. Good physical health is important for the improvement of our quality of life. 3H Bio is directing its efforts onto the goal to help patients recover from their illnesses and maintain good health, a gift from God.

The dazzling speed with which our society and economy are currently advancing has contributed to a wealthy life, but at the same time, has also caused numerous diseases. Modern diseases including obesity and diabetes, atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia are threatening our health and good quality of life. We know our neighbors who are suffering from these metabolic disorders, with different level of severity.

In 2019, 3H Bio was established as an R&D biotech company aiming to achieve better health and welfare through life science research. Having started as a bio-venture company, 3H Bio is now stepping into the global market. This exciting new phase in our company’s history is based on years of vigorous and aggressive research, an effort that resulted in the discovery of a novel drug with strong beneficial effects in the treatment of obesity and related metabolic diseases. The development of novel, highly effective drugs against metabolic diseases is our company’s main objective, and we are determined to overcome all challenges in this path.

All members of 3H Bio will do their best to accomplish their duties with high spirits and to make this company a global role model bio-venture company. 3H Bio would humbly like to contribute to our global needs to lead a healthy and happy life by embodying the love of humankind.

MK Choe, CEO, Ph.D.