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Patent status

It is a unique, first-in-class technology that uses ApoB100 as the molecular target for a new MOA obesity immunotherapy treatment.
Patents: Total 17 < 3 Registrations, 14 Applications (1 PCT/13 Individual country entries) >

No. Patents Date Status Country Remark
1 (US 7,829,667) 2004 Registration USA Peptides for immunotherapy
(B4T, OTP5 included in scope of rights)
2 10-2261457-00-00 2020 Korea Peptides for immunotherapy
3 17/823,180 2023 USA Peptides for immunotherapy
(Expedited examination for OTP5)
4 PCT/KR2021/009453 2021 Application WO Peptides for immunotherapy
(Comprehensive content of 3HOTP)
5 PCT 2022 Korea, USA, EU, China
and 9 other countries
PCT entry application
(13 countries)